Heads Up! There’s a new event on the horizon, and you need to get your tickets right now: LIGHTSCAPES from Historic Hudson Valley

Have you been to The Great Blaze? It is truly a unique and breathtaking experience, a wonderland of fire and light. (You can read my post about it – and see the incredible photos – at this link).  This spring, for the first time, the creators of The Blaze have come up with a new experience: LIGHTSCAPES.


LIGHTSCAPES will provide, according to the press release, “An immersive journey into a springtime garden fantasy”…..”an incredible nighttime display of sculpture, light, sound, and special effects.” If it is anything like the Blaze, it promises to be spectacular.

LIGHTSCAPES is a limited engagement and I’m guessing tickets are going to sell out quickly….so I HAD to give you a heads up. Get your tickets now!

My blog is usually a forum for sharing photos and stories about events AS we experience them…but by the time you see my review for this event, it will be too late to get tickets. That just wouldn’t be right..so go get those tickets now, and we’ll compare notes later. Continue reading